Quick Tips for Better Game Development

Video Game Development Tips

Game development can seem like an insurmountable task, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right planning, knowledge, and skills, any aspiring game dev can have a successful game under their belt. Here are a few quick tips to help you get started:

1. Have a clear vision of the game you want to make and the platform it will launch on.
2. Benchmark games in similar genres to get a sense of the scope required for your project.
3. Invest in good quality development tools and software.
4. Use a version control system such as Git to track changes and collaborate with others (if working in a team).
5. Ensure all of your assets are optimized for the platform you are developing on.
6. Keep a close eye on your asset and codebase sizes.
7. Employ an agile development style to ensure you’re adapting quickly and testing often.
8. Learn enough about the platform you’re developing for to know the technical limitations.
9. Use a game engine like Unity or Unreal if you’re unfamiliar with the underlying system.
10. Document and plan your game structure and systems clearly.

Making a game can be daunting, but with the right planning and knowledge, you’ll be well-equipped to succeed. Utilizing these quick tips may help you become a better game developer and create the project of your dreams.

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